The #1 Way to Get Inspired to Write

New Year’s Resolutions? Goals? I know, I’ve heard all the “goals aren’t good” and “resolutions set you up to fail” and wondered why I enjoy making them so much. In an earlier post, I wrote about goal setting in terms of making them into dreams (see Dreaming Wide Awake), which for me is what goals truly … [Read more…]
Your Guardian Muse: Inspiration Wanted

Writers at all levels need to be inspired. Those just starting out need inspiration to send their work to publishers and get published. Once an author has been published, inspiration is needed to keep writing and to take things to the next step. It doesn’t matter if you’ve published no books or many books, you’re … [Read more…]
Why Writers Should Read

I am always astounded at how many times I hear a writer say, “I don’t read. I don’t have the time.” The truth of the matter is that you will make time for what is important and if writing is important to you, reading should be as well. Whether books or articles, fiction or non-fiction, … [Read more…]
The Secret to Creative Writing

When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy. –Rumi For writers and artists, especially ones who have a business side to their artistic endeavors, there is a constant tightrope act of walking between the logic part of the brain and letting go so the creative side can … [Read more…]