writing tips
The Secret to Creative Writing

When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy. –Rumi For writers and artists, especially ones who have a business side to their artistic endeavors, there is a constant tightrope act of walking between the logic part of the brain and letting go so the creative side can … [Read more…]
5 Tips for Writing Characters who will Intrigue Readers

When developing and writing characters, a writer’s number one goal is creating characters who will connect with and intrigue readers. Five Tips for Writing Characters Who Will Intrigue Your Reader Writing Characters Tips 1 & 2: Secrets and Lies One of the best ways to build conflict and suspense in your character and intrigue your … [Read more…]
Improve Writing with a Spring Cleaning!

Every writer I know wants some quick ways to improve their writing, and everyone I know is tired of winter and in the mood for spring. Spring is the time of new birth, new beginnings and…spring cleaning! Opening the house, letting in fresh air and getting rid of the cobwebs. So why not improve writing … [Read more…]