creative writing exercises
Creative Writing Exercises: Cross Train for Story Ideas

Use cross thinking to get you to think differently and allow a story idea to come literally from nowhere. A great idea may hit you during these creative writing exercises, or more likely, a few hours later when you are eating, running, taking a shower, while sleeping, the next morning…Why not wake up your muse … [Read more…]
Just Look Around: Ideas to Write About

When I speak about writing, one question I always get asked is “Where do you get ideas to write about?” Listeners lean forward expecting to hear how ideas come to me in a mystical, writing-magic moment, or how I begin by developing characters (or setting, or story) or how I am inspired by my muse. … [Read more…]
Writing Prompts Memories and Shared Past

Writing Prompts Memories and Shared Past… Kathy Steffen has posted on using significant objects as writing prompts. Today, I thought we’d take that a bit further and use objects from our shared past and our memories around those objects as writing prompts. Below is a list of things to stir your memories as writing prompts. … [Read more…]