February links

I haven’t much time this month to harvest links, but here are a few that caught my eye.   * Do we really need a reader’s manifesto? * Selling books, one at a time. Not sure it’ll catch on here. * Writers are lazy? Foolish children. * I, for one, am pleased that royalties no … [Read more…]

First links of the new year …

The more things change, the more they stay the same? * There are some great click-bait titles here. * So, Fabio. What’s he been up to? * A look back at 2015 in publishing. * A tale of two book titles — this probably happens a lot, doesn’t it? * Adult coloring books — not quite repeating … [Read more…]

Last Links of the Year

* And so it begins: the 10 best books of 2015. * And here–not the “best” books but the “top” books. * Romance novels as an infographic. * A book as an app. I’m not so sure about this. * It’s not too late — great gifts for grammar geeks. * I confess I had … [Read more…]