In Defense of “Good Guy” YA Heroes

There’s definitely something going ’round the Young Adult writing world these days–the notion that the “ideal” YA male character (particularly the “love interest” or hero) is a “bad boy.” You know, the super-hot boy with a smokin’ body and a bad attitude. If you read a lot of YA, you’ve seen these YA heroes everywhere. … [Read more…]
5 Tips for Writing Characters who will Intrigue Readers

When developing and writing characters, a writer’s number one goal is creating characters who will connect with and intrigue readers. Five Tips for Writing Characters Who Will Intrigue Your Reader Writing Characters Tips 1 & 2: Secrets and Lies One of the best ways to build conflict and suspense in your character and intrigue your … [Read more…]
Character Goals: The #1 Thing Every Character Must Have

Character goals. Do your characters have them? Do you know? Do you ever sit down to the blank page and your characters do nothing? You get in the zone, but still, the scene goes nowhere? Are ideas dried up and the story has no place to go? Do your characters get into conflict (as they … [Read more…]
Character Creation Sheet For Developing Characters with Accountability

Whether you are writing fiction or non-fiction, giving your character accountability adds depth and will forge a connection between your character and the reader. Accountability helps give your character the “it” factor and shows your protagonist has depth and cares for something other than himself. With this in mind, I’ve created a list of writing … [Read more…]