writing characters
Close Point of View, Getting Personal with Your Characters

Close point of view, also called limited point of view, gets you up close and personal with the character who is telling the story. You are in his head. You hear his thoughts and know his opinions. With close point of view, you are able to really get in that character’s body and live the … [Read more…]
The links of October …

Nothing very scary this month, just the usual “end of the publishing world as we know it”. But we’ve all heard that before, right? * What’s the most you would spend for an ebook? * Interesting post about mistakes in books that take the reader out of the book. I tend to agree — if … [Read more…]
Top Five Posts You May Have Missed 2010
The How to Write Shop has only been up and running a few months, but in that time we believe we’ve had some excellent articles. Today, we want to highlight a few that have top scores from readers, aka most visited. Number Five comes from columnist and young adult author, Kristi Cook on writing young … [Read more…]