Falling Links (or links of fall?)

* I love to walk, so this list was just for me: famous walks in books.

* Looks like Authors United has decided to step it up a notch. Big mistake, methinks.

* Banned books every woman should read.

* Some good Oscar Wilde quotes about writing (the guy could write, eh?)

* Top 10 writing mistakes. Yep. They’re mistakes, all right. Or is it ‘alright’?

* For fans of Jules Verne (or of fun amusement parks)

* A good article about an article about the romance genre.

* 31 life lessons from romance novels. Hmm. Maybe.

* This is scary — using YouTube to find literary “stars”?

* A literary map of the United States.

* LOL — I wish I’d seen this ARC! Oops.

* The 9 claims of romance (interesting list).

* Laugh: yoga for writers. I wish!

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