Links from tattoos to shelf life

As always: an interesting mixed bag of links this month.

* Supposed grammar “rules” you can ignore. Yep. I think you can.

* There’s talk about doing Robb’s “In Death” books as movies. Of little interest to me, but of great interest to many, apparently.

* A dress made from romance novels. Probably a bit prickley, don’t you think?

* The shelf life of social media. Not surprising given our attention-deficit culture.

* Books creative people should be reading. Shouldn’t creative people be, well, creating?

* 50 of the coolest authors. Maybe?

* Honest book titles. Slide to see the honesty.

* And 50 of the coolest books. Call me skeptical since I started and quit most of these by page 20.

* Is the ‘serious’ novel dead? I would question whether it ever lived except for a precious few.

* The bad side effects of reading (in the 1800s).

* Good shelving can save a book. Yep. If you’re in a physical bookstore, that is.

* What authors earn. Why am I not surprised?

* Mis-used words — literally (sorry. couldn’t resist).

* This is an interesting observation about RWA (Romance Writers of America) and their workshops.

* Books people can’t finish (according to Goodreads). Been there, done that.

* Tattoos inspired by books. Now those are tats that are cool.

* I always ‘preach’ that a writer must define success for herself/himself. Because really, who better to define it?

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