Fresh links for the new year

A new year, and some new links!

* Henry Miller’s Rules for Writing. My one rule is: sit down and write. No excuses. Makes it easy to remember.

* Predictions, predictions, predictions.

* “Shelf help” (self-help) books. Not sure why they need a new name.

* The boy’s club again, in an article with many useful links.

* I never read Wind in the Willows (I had an odd reading life as a child). I may need to read this now.

* Useful words that we should include in English. I rather like #3.

* Some of these bookcases are clever, some are downright scary.

* Eccentricities of great writers. Some…truly eccentric.

* Ebooks and print books: some interesting statistics

* Sherlock Holmes is in the public domain. Not big news perhaps, except for those of us with a Holmes story or two we’d like to have see the light of day.

* These are magazine layout fails that are too funny to be true (except they are)

* I’d be happy to earn $100 a day on my books, much less $9K.

* Similar to other library slideshows, this one is just American.

* How to write log lines (tag lines for books). Nicely explained.

* What not to say to an editor. ::snort::

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