Lean Links

What can I say? I was busy this month, so the links are lean. It’s probably the only lean thing you’ll see between now and the first of the year ::wink::
* Talk about your Monster Book Publisher.

* And a perspective on the merger.

* Another “50 Shades” laugh about copyright violations. Seriously?

* This author might be on my “do not buy” list just for her attitude about romance. I’m not sure.

* There is no privacy online. Really. Read and understand …

* Some good bad reviews.

* An interesting article about the “new normal” of the $0.99 priced book. What do you think?

* I think I agree with using “50 Shades” as compost. And I do think it is adding to the sexualization of women (and leading to abuse).

* A great interview with a really interesting guy: Maurice Sendak.

* Join with me in saying, “WTH?” Husband failed to meet expectations?

* And another “WTH?” I’m busy, too, but I still have my e-reader…

* This is such a tragedy, that a book can be used to aid a killer. I suppose it’s not the first time, though.

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