1. My rewrite came to a slow screeching halt and I am picking it up again — and this helps. this middle chapter I am on is so important and therefore brings up lots of resistance. i need to just write through this one —


  2. Good advice! 🙂

    I used to be a bit of a panster, but I’m becoming more of a plotter. I just read ‘Save The Cat’ by Blake Snyder. It’s a how to book for screenwriters, and some of it didn’t apply to writing novels; but the ‘log line,’ ‘beat sheet’ and the plot card system are perfect for ensuring you fix these problems BEFORE you write.

    Snyder makes a good point. It’s a lot easier to throw out a plot card (his version of scene notes; 1 card = 1 scene) if it isn’t working, than to delete a whole passage or chapter you’ve spent hours writing.

    I’ll be doing a blog post on my experience with this plotting method complete with pictures the first Wed. in September.

  3. Thanks Julie! I hate those screeching halts, but I agree, the only way is to work through it and write. *sigh* funny, isn’t it? 🙂 Keep the faith ?

  4. Thanks Melissa, and thanks for your comments and the recommendation! You’re right, Snyder’s book is terrific for novelists and the more you catch earlier on, the quicker it goes. I try to do more plotting up front but after four books I find my process is still mostly in the pantser realm 🙂 However, I did learn much from his book, and understanding his method made me more aware of inherent story structure. I believe what strikes a chord with me finds its way into my writing. The great thing about the writing journey is exploring and discovering your own process. Good luck and enjoy your experience with plotting!

  5. This is fantastic! I’m in the midst of revising an MS before submitting it and I know there’s problems, but 5, 6, and 7 might well help me eliminate them. Thanks!

  6. Toni Carter

    Really loved this. Thanks ! I was so sick of the YA novel I had written I put it in the desk drawer. This article confirmed that this was indeed the right thing to do. I’ve started another novel in the meantime and taken these great tips onboard 🙂

  7. You are welcome, Toni. I frequently work on two projects for that very reason…of course, each is at a different stage. One first draft, one revision, or one still in the infant churning stage while I’m finishing up another. Keeps the wheels going!

    Good luck with both projects!

  8. Nicole

    Thank you so much for this article! I have used methods similar and they work great but your methods take the cake!

  9. Robin

    Now this I get! I’m trying to fix an unfinished book, I was running along towards the ending and came to a screeching halt, the ending didn’t make any sense. O.O Arrg! So I’ve been going backwards and discovered a huge plot hole (filling it), a couple of subplots that had nothing to do with anything (chopped). #9 all way. I’ve akso found stuff I had set up for the ebding, and what matters to the main pov but left to hang. There’s so much to fix I’m getting exhausted. x.x

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