Springtime links

Somewhat sparse this month because of travel, travel, and more travel, mixed with other Stuff that ate up my time. Hopefully next month will be much more productive!

* An online game based on Price & Prejudice. It might be interesting. Or not. Give it a try!

* A new twist on the Hunger Games: the Hunger Games in the office!

* An interesting article about why adults read YA fiction: there isn’t enough risk in romance fiction. I tend to agree.

* Here’s some info about the industry kerfluffle regarding the agency model of pricing.

* Good advice from C. S. Lewis

* Interesting ‘hard’ data about ebook readers (both human and electronic)

* A $1million slush fund. Sounds pretty lush to me.

* This is way cool — check out these book designs (edible?)

* This kinda worries me: what if you like a book and your memory of it gets affected by talking about it?

* An interesting article about the evolution of publishing and ‘creative destruction’

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