Lamb or Lion Links?

Did March come in like a lion/out like a lamb for you? Or in like a lamb and out like a lion? Or … whatever! Here are some links for this lambish/lionish month of March…

* More incentive for me to get off my butt and investigate Goodreads. Sigh.

* Fifty Shades of Grey stuff. I’m somewhat concerned about the whole “fanfic” aspect because I have plans for a book based on Oz. Where *is* that nebulous line?

* You know, I’m an author. I don’t have *time* to create fake identities and write good reviews. I barely have time to write my books.

* The making of a blockbuster. Interesting how advance publicity can form public opinion:

* The PayPal Defines Obscenity brouhaha. Not sure, but I think I’m not going to like this (and lo, it doesn’t matter. PayPal reversed itself)

* Pottermore and Amazon. Interesting insight into this game-changer(?)

* A summary of the most recent RWA survey. If you’re an RWA member, you have this info, but if not, here’s a recap:

* I’ve never read a book on Oprah’s list. Interesting how this equates her “list” with poor sales?

* A rather lengthy but interesting review of, well, reviews and how we should maybe be skeptical about them.

* I admire his honesty. Not to change the world but to sell a lot of books. You go.

*”Mommy porn”? Sheesh. The publisher is right. Mainstream condescension never ceases…

* My own promo efforts have taken a hit in the past year. So nice to know others feel the same as me:

* The ‘truth’ about creativity. Sounds like an interesting (and creative) book.

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