Leapin’ Links

A Leap Year is here, giving all those people with birthdays on Leap Day a chance to celebrate on the actual day!

Lean links this month … it seemed like people were re-hashing old arguments and stories (or maybe I’m just not finding the fresh stuff). I think it’s getting time for a change of season!

* More back-and-forth regarding reviewers & how they should function. My thoughts? These people have way too much time on their hands.

* Amazon’s hit man. ::snort:: A long article but interesting as a summary of ebook vs. print book world.

* This has more to do with the devices we use. I don’t know. I think I’d pay more to know the factory workers were treated humanely.  At least, I hope I would.

* Another look at B&N vs. Amazon. Fight for its life? The death of the bokstore? I wonder …

* I confess to never reading anything by Jonathan Franzen, so perhaps I don’t give his words the weight they deserve. Okay. Color me skeptical.

* Boy, this sounds like “I’m going to take the marbles and go home” speaking… come on, B&N. Get smart!

* I view this with mixed feelings. I never cared for Dorchester (long story), but I hate to see them fold. Sort of.


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