1. Great article, Edie! I’ve been loath to publicize to my writing community that I’ve independently published 3 books — mainly because here, there’s often the attitude of “they can’t have been good enough” (i.e. for New York) around self-publishing your own works. And letting them know I’ve put an entire book up on Wattpad? Where anyone can read it for free? I’m sure they think I’m doubly crazy. But for me, getting messages from Wattpad-ers telling me how much they’re enjoying reading my book is a huge boost at a time when I’m changing direction and unsure of the future.

    I was once told I didn’t have a YA “voice”. And it was a bit of a worry to me that the reviews I’d had on Freaks of Greenfield High were from adults. Maybe I didn’t have a YA voice after all? But through my interaction with fans on Wattpad, I realize I do have something to offer this target market i.e. young adults. So along with my beloved adult paranormals, I *can* keep writing YA–something that I love doing–because there is a readership base out there for my YA books. It’s the best feeling! And I have the Wattpad community to thank for that.

  2. Maree, I thought the way you caught the YA voice on Freaks was awesome!

    I’m having the opposite experience than you with the writing community. I feel very supported by the writers whose opinion I respect. Only a few have obliquely let me know they think less of self-published writers, but I’m sure you caught “the writers whose opinion I respect.”

    If someone in the writing community doesn’t know there have been huge changes and makes snap judgments on my writing because I’m self-published, I don’t think well of him or her.

  3. This is a great post, Edie, and I hope it helps other writers to know what Wattpad is all about. I’ve been a member of the site for over two years, and it truly is like a second home to me. I know the stigma of Indie published writers out there, and I (like Maree) was afraid of what my peers would think of me posting my book(s) for free. But then I shook myself loose and stayed true to my path: I write to be read. There’s nothing more important to me than that. Do I want sales? You bet your as…er, butt I do!! But the experience of posting my stories and interacting with my fans is priceless to me. That is so much more rewarding than just the almighty dollar alone. Sales will come in time – no matter if I publish on Wattpad or not. And, yeah…they may come slower because of it. But I can guarantee you this: I’m sure gonna have a heckofalot more fun this way!! And, if anything else, writing should be fun!! 🙂

  4. Jolyn, Zoe Winters is a friend and I could see how well she was doing before I decided to self-publish. Plus I was reading Konrath’s posts. By the time I made my decision, I knew it was the right one. I never worried that some people might feel there was a stigma. To me, it was logical and right.

    You’re right too, about writing being fun. Except when it’s work, like writing a blurb. Which I’ll be doing tonight. 🙂

  5. […] At first, everything seemed absolutely perfect. For one thing, the people investing in Wattpad are the same people who invested in Twitter and Tumblr. For another thing, there are millions of people using it- and actively. Some of the most popular stories range into the millions of views (yes, they ripped that off from YouTube). A few of these authors are trying to translate their Wattpad success to self-publishing, like Brittany Geragotelis. I found one self-publisher who used Wattpad to boost sales for what she already published. […]

  6. Hi Edie, people talk a lot about YA stories. How would you describe them? As written for that age group, or a state of mind.

    Given that Buffy was my inspiration, and I wanted to write film, but books and novellas give me the chance to get my work seen, and hopefully have control over promotion, I seem to be writing for that demographic.

    My heroines are early twenties, but have found themselves thrust centre stage and having to take control. I’ve not deliberately aimed for that market, but hope that they will resonate with this audience


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