Writing Life
Looking for Writing Motivation? Celebrate Success!

Sometimes writing motivation can be hard to come by. No matter what you write, committing to live the writer’s life is a life-changing journey, inside and out. Writing is an enormous amount of work and at times feels as if there is no reward. The writing life is full of rejection and pitfalls. But then … [Read more…]
Video Sunday: Amy Tan Writing from Personal Experience
When asked if she would write non-Chinese characters, Amy Tan answers that it is the same as asking if she could write from the point of view of a man. The answer….she could, but why would she? She continues to talk about writing from her own personal experience and the experience of her family and … [Read more…]
A Little Writing and Publishing Advice
So, if you’ve read my last couple of posts, you’ve met my warm, fuzzy persona (I hope!). Today, let me introduce you to my darker side, a facet of my personality forged by those types of experiences that make you want to knock your head against the nearest wall. Or maybe slap somebody. Don’t worry. … [Read more…]
Writing Conferences First Quarter 2011
This is a list of writing conferences and workshops for the first quarter of 2011. Please feel free to add you personal comments about any of these conferences that you have attended or would like to attend. Also, please list any conferences that you know of taking place in the first quarter of 2011 that … [Read more…]