Writing Prompts
Looking for creative writing prompts to get your next book, short story, screenplay, or school essay going? Or maybe you need inspiration to get your muse back on board in general.
The How to Write Shop has a number of articles in its Writing Prompts section. These free and informative articles provide tips on finding inspiration from the world around you and your everyday life. You will also find ready-made creative prompts and some mix and match lists for you to play with.
Whether an author, student, teacher, or just a creative person looking for a creative outlet, The How to Write Shop has creative writing prompts to inspire you.
And, while you are here, don’t forget to check out all of the other free articles at The How to Write Shop on the craft and business of writing.
Writing Prompts Summer Vacation, Beyond that School Essay

I’m sure at some point in your school career, you got the assignment, “Write what you did for summer vacation.” What a writing prompt… “What I did for my summer vacation was…” Just typing it now makes me snooze off. But summer vacation is fun! We love summer. We love vacation. We should love writing … [Read more…]
Writing Exercises to Help You Get Writing

There is nothing worse than thinking your writing mojo is gone. If you need to reconnect to the passion of your writing and story, these writing exercises are designed to help you get writing and get back into your happy writing place. Start with these writing exercises for a quick-start, and the moment you feel … [Read more…]
Writing Prompts Memories and Shared Past

Writing Prompts Memories and Shared Past… Kathy Steffen has posted on using significant objects as writing prompts. Today, I thought we’d take that a bit further and use objects from our shared past and our memories around those objects as writing prompts. Below is a list of things to stir your memories as writing prompts. … [Read more…]