Setting can make or break a story. Setting can be so important to story, in fact, that the setting can almost
become a character itself. So when looking for story inspiration why not start with setting? The DaVinci Code begins with a murder in the Louvre. The story of Sarah’s Key
had to take place in France. In the case of Water for Elephants
, the setting—a circus—moves with the story but is a complete world nonetheless. A setting does more than add interest. If your story can happen anywhere and your setting does not affect the actual story, rethink it. Make sure your story world is integral to the story (for more writing tips on setting/worldbuilding, see Entering Other Worlds: Worldbuilding Beyond Fantasy and Science Fiction.)
I keep a list of settings. In fact, I keep a list of many things to help jar my creativity while brainstorming—core fears, phobias, careers for characters, character types—just about anything I think might help my brain make a creative cross-connection and get a new idea. I look at brainstorming as a musician practices playing scales—exercising my creativity just makes it stronger.
Of all the lists I keep, story setting ideas is one I use often. When I am freethinking, I close my eyes and point at random. Sometimes when I’m stuck in my manuscript, I look over this list and see if I can’t jar an idea loose. Sometimes I match the settings up. I also use other lists and randomly choose from one list, then the other. Anything to get my creative juices going again.
Here is my list of places or settings for you to begin your own list and use as creative writing prompts.
Story Setting Ideas List
Write about what happens at a(n):
__________ Academy Abbey Airport
Alley(s) Alligator Farm Art Gallery
Art Studio Artist Colony Auto Junkyard
Ancient Pyramid Animal Sanctuary Animal Shelter
Animal Research Facility Art Museum Aquarium
Barber Shop Baseball Stadium Basement
Beach Beauty Salon Blood Bank
Blood Drive Bookstore Botanical Garden
Bridge Buddhist Temple
Cabin Castle Casino
Cathedral Cave (Bat, Collapsed, Crystal)
Cemetery Center for Disease Control Laboratory
Cheap Hotel Chinatown (any city) Church
Circus City Dump City Rooftop(s)
City Street Coal Mine Coffee House
College Dorm Room Concert Hall Corporate Board Room
Day Spa Distillery
Fairground Fishing Boat Floating Fish Factory
Football Stadium Fort
Garden Graveyard Gymnasium
Highway Rest Stop Hospital Hospital Board Room
Insectarium Jazz Club
Landfill Lighthouse Logging Camp (Town)
Mansion Mannequin Factory Medical Laboratory
Mississippi River Barge Mosque
New Orleans during Mardi Gras
Nuclear Reactor Nursing Home
Observatory Opera House
Palace Park Pet Grooming Salon
Precious Metal Mine (Gold, Silver, Copper) Priory
Prison Police Station Pottery Studio
Previously Undiscovered Island
Previously Undiscovered Planet
Principal’s Office
Racetrack Rainforest Roadside Motel
Roadkill Pickup Truck
Salt Mine Sanitarium Schoolroom
School Lab Secret Hideaway Sewer
Shack Shoeshine Stand Shopping Mall
Small Town Spider Farm Steel Mill
Steam Ship (or Boat) Synagogue
Temple Theater Tower
Trailer Park Train Graveyard Train Station
Wax Museum Wildlife Ranch Windmill
Winery Woods Worm Ranch
Story Setting Ideas List, Somewhere Famous
Alcatraz Amazon Rain Forest
Angkor Wat, Cambodia Buckingham Palace
Death Valley Disneyland
Easter Island Forbidden City
Galapagos Islands Golden Gate Bridge
Grand Canyon Great Barrier Reef
Great Wall Hollywood
Jerusalem Kashmir Valley
Machu Picchu Mount Everest
Nile Palace of Versailles
Pike’s Peak Pompeii
Potala Palace, Tibet Pyramids of Giza and Great Sphinx
Sahara Desert Serengeti
Sistine Chapel Statue of Liberty
Stonehenge Taj Mahal
Tombstone Uffizi Gallery
Valley of the Kings Venice (Canals)
The White House Zen Garden of Kyoto
Story Setting Ideas, Combine Setting with Another Idea
Insert a place from above into one of the following creative writing prompts and see what happens. As Stephen King says: “…good story ideas seem to come quite literally from nowhere, sailing at you right out of the empty sky: two previously unrelated ideas come together and make something new under the sun…”
So generate the atmosphere to create. Do some cross-thinking and allow a good story idea to come literally from nowhere. It may hit you during these creative writing exercises, or more likely, a few hours later when you are eating, running, taking a shower, while sleeping, the next morning… Why not wake up your muse and get her thinking? After all, you may come up with the next Pet Cemetery concept.
Pet __________ (okay, Pet Cemetery has been done and so has the idea of combining a pet and racetrack (The Art of Racing in the Rain) but what about other stories including pets? What about pet & theater? Pet & palace? Pet & casino? Pet & circus? Pet & Stonehenge?)
Old Folks __________ (yes, “home” is the first thought, but keep going.) What about old folks & circus? Old folks & college dorm room? Old folks & garden—Yikes! I just had a thought about planting old folk parts and getting…what? Veggies that if you eat them, you become possessed? Or is this garden a connection to the otherworld? Will the garden produce wisdom? Prophets? Or a zombie plague?
See how this works? So get your creative juices flowing and don’t look back.
Abandoned __________ (logging camp, church, fish boat, trailer park…you get the idea)
Haunted __________
A murder at __________
A secret at __________
A magical __________
An evil __________
A previously undiscovered __________
__________ in the woods
Old __________ turned into apartments
A __________ shrine
A __________ museum
A __________ graveyard
Story Setting Ideas, Combine Two Settings
Write about a blood drive at a nuclear reactor. Or a roadkill pickup truck at a casino. What about an animal protection sanctuary on city rooftops? A mannequin factory near Stonehenge or a secret hideaway wax museum?
Lots of ideas come to mind—not all good, but that’s okay! The point is to jog your brain (or muse) into generating new connections. As your subconscious tries to make sense of connections, ideas will come. Try it. May many excellent, fresh, exciting ideas come flooding your way!
Award-winning novelist Kathy Steffen teaches fiction writing and speaks at writing programs across the country. Additionally, Kathy is also published in short fiction and pens a monthly writing column, Between the Lines. Her books, FIRST THERE IS A RIVER, JASPER MOUNTAIN
are available online and at bookstores everywhere. Check out more at
You are so welcome, Kim 🙂
Your settings list is great. It just may become my settings list. 😉 For some reason as I scrolled through, “City Dump” piqued my interest the most. Haha.
I’m glad you find the list helpful, Lauren. You gotta accept inspiration no matter where it takes you, right? 🙂 The settings I seem to choose (or more to the point–that choose me) always end up gritty and less on the “romantic” side of life. Sigh.
This is great! really useful!! I often use places that I have been as the starting point. In my latest story I used the tomb raider temple that I visted in Cambodia as the base for the setting in one of the scenes. I started with a picture in my minds eye and my imagination did the rest!! Twitter – @anagranimals
Wow, Leith, that sounds like quite a trip! Once I get a “mind’s eye” scene, I do the same, I’m off to the keyboard (or pen–depending on my mood 🙂
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hello. I am just beginning to write and I found this website very helpful for my setting. When I finish the book ill put in a note thanking your website.
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