My links this month are as mixed-up as the weather, I think…
* I’m sorry I can’t be sympathetic about this, that a writer may not make a living from writing. Welcome to the real world.
* Rather a “well, duh” article: media’s ignoring of Romance.
* How many of these books have you read?
* Real men who read romance novels. I don’t know of any, but they’re out there!
* I admit I am intrigued by the awesomeness of this: books + Googly Eyes = smiles.
* This is the first time I’ve ever heard of a helpful negative review. Learn something new every day.
* Habits of creative people. I’ve got most of these, yep.
* I never read reviews (on Amazon or elsewhere) so I wasn’t aware of this awful bullying. Amazing.
* ::snort:: Actual book titles or Photoshop? Your guess.
* Buying your way to the bestseller list. Oh. I am surprised. Not.
* Dave Barry’s review of 50 Shades. Sort of right on target, I think.
* I’ve found that I often can’t re-read an old favorite. My perceptions have changed.
* Read a book in 90 minutes! That doesn’t mean you’ll *enjoy* the book…
thank you for the list, I’m working my way down it and find all sorts of interesting and engaging things.