One of the things I’ve noticed that really helps my muse is collaboration. Somehow, when you get a bunch of writers together, the plot bunnies get started and ideas flow like wine (or diet soda). Working with other authors tends to help get those creative juices flowing.
But how can that help, and what makes a muse awesome? Well, an awesome muse is one that comes up with unique ideas that make you want to write. When you’re not writing, you want to be, and when you do write the story flows, whether you outline or not. It’s a muse that can help you come up with new and innovate ways to market your work and reach your readers. And, it can help you come up with plot twists to keep your readers guessing.
Working with other authors can help because creative energy likes other creative energy. When you network with others in your field, you can learn and share ideas. Things that work for one person may work for another, for vice versa. If someone tells you something that didn’t work for them, but you can put your unique spin on it, then it may work better for you.
The truth is, if you think your muse is awesome, then it is. We all have room to grow and improve; however, but faith is a very important part of having a great muse. It’s the faith in your creative process, in your stories, and most of all, in yourself that can take you, and your writing career, to greater heights. This holiday season, I’m reminded a lot about faith and the role it plays in our lives, and just how powerful it can be.
It takes a lot to be a writer, to put those words down on paper or to screen and share them with the world. That is a huge act of faith, and it’s one that many people aren’t willing to make. So honor yourself and celebrate yourself for the act of faith you’re taking, and work with others who have also made that leap of faith. Work with writers who are where you want to be, as well as those who are on your same level, but know that you’re aspiring to your career and to create the writer’s life you deserve.
Networking with other writers and working with other authors can help us get that awesome writer’s muse, because sometimes we don’t recognize it in ourselves. We do recognize it in others.
Is your muse an awesome muse? If you’re reading this, then I bet it is.
As a published author of over forty books (between two pen names), including fiction and non-fiction, Mary Caelsto knows publishing. As the Muse Charmer, she provides her experience in the industry to authors, helping them release their inner awesome to create the careers they deserve and desire!! She works with authors one-on-one and also provides a wide selection of courses, books, and benefits through her Circle of Muses Program. Visit her website for more information and join her in February, when she’ll be teaching, “Tap Into Your Muse and Discover What Information Products Can Do for You”. More information at