Nothing very scary this month, just the usual “end of the publishing world as we know it”. But we’ve all heard that before, right?
* What’s the most you would spend for an ebook?
* Interesting post about mistakes in books that take the reader out of the book. I tend to agree — if the details aren’t right, I drop the book. How about you?
* Nothing to do with writing. Or maybe it does. You decide. Is there a bully in your life (editor, reviewer, so-called friend).
* A look at indy publishing from the technical side. There’s some interesting links here (like the proofreading web site):
* Another look at Amazon-as-publisher. I like the “divide and conquer” analogy. It seems apt.
* The 80% Ebook World. I sort of like the sound of that.
* How to read character. Hmm. Not sure this is right ….but interesting…
* This one made me LOL. Love those pokes at romance covers
* What books are selling? And what does it mean for new authors? I think we know, right?
* More from the “Ask the Editor” series.
* In honor of Halloween, some creepy houses, made of LEGOs. I used to live in Minnesota and regularly went to the Mall of America just to visit LegoLand and see what people were doing with those amazing little thingies.
* This reaffirms my belief in the great divide between ‘popular culture’ and ‘real culture’, a divide that has existed just about forever. As the article states it so nicely, there’s “the ever-broadening cultural gap between the literary community and the reading public.”