Sometimes writing motivation can be hard to come by. No matter what you write, committing to live the writer’s life is a life-changing journey, inside and out. Writing is an enormous amount of work and at times feels as if there is no reward. The writing life is full of rejection and pitfalls. But then again, what about the excitement surging through you when you get a great idea or finish a manuscript? Or the thrill of writing a scene that takes you by surprise? Or when something you are writing suddenly opens an entirely new door for you, both in the writing spirit and life? What about all the new worlds waiting for you to explore?
These are proof the life of a writer can also overflow with joy and accomplishment. The writing path can be rocky, but it is also one of the most wondrous journeys you’ll ever take. So how do you keep your enthusiasm, your joy, and remember why you got into writing in the first place?
Looking for writing motivation?
Celebrate your writing victories. Every one of them, no matter how big or small.
When looking for writing motivation, take the time to recall your writing accomplishments of the past year. Celebrate your success. Focus on what you have done, not what you are waiting for and hoping will happen. And honestly, this is a good thing to do throughout the year—every time you hit a milestone. I do mean every time. In addition to just plain feeling good, it sets a positive frame of mind to head into the holidays and the upcoming year.
Don’t rely on outside validation for your celebration. What is most important is what you accomplished, what steps you took in your writing life. Stop and celebrate what was in your control. You are the start of everything good, and the action you take—what you do with your writing—is the only thing that truly matters.
Did you finish a book? Poem? Article? Did you manage to make more time for writing this year? Take some writing classes? How about submitting? Throw any of your babies out into the world? Did you start a journal? Do a reading? Join a critique group? Find a critique partner? Format your story (or book) as an e-book and put it up on Amazon?
Any and all of these are causes to celebrate.
Next week, my post will be on (what else?) New Year’s resolutions for writers. Trust me, the list will be fun, so stop by again and check out my suggestions. But first, celebrate your accomplishments of this year. Celebrate your writing successes.
To find writing motivation by celebrating your successes…
- Look over the last year and list every single itty-bitty step forward you took. Then celebrate every last one of them. Individually, they might seem small but added up, you’ll see you’ve made quite a bit of headway on your writing journey!
- Check out these writer resolutions or these. Take some of those, or better yet, allow them to jog ideas of your own. Make resolutions to help and support you along your own writing journey.
- Celebrate each success as it happens throughout the next year.
- This time next year, have yourself a big ol‘ celebration again.
Remember all writing brings you; meaning, joy, and how it enhances your life. How you explore and wonder and discover and accomplish. What an incredible journey. Celebrate every minute!
Kathy, I’ve been celebrating a lot this year. All in all, it was a good one. I think yours was great, too!
Edie, we have had a wonderful year, haven’t we? Here’s to 2011 being even better :o)